2014 Is The Year To Be Proactive About Replacing The Water Heater in Your Grass Valley Home
Did you know that upcoming changes in the 2015 regulation might make this year the year to replace your old water heater? I’m going to talk about how these changes could affect you and some of the best benefits of getting a water heater replacement in your Grass Valley home.
Why is 2014 a good year to replace your water heater?
New regulations are coming in 2015 that will restrict the options you have for a new water heater. In particular, any system over 55 gallons will require an electrical outlet in order to operate the electronic ignition and flue damper, which will significantly raise the cost of the water heater plus increase the cost of installation.
In addition, new water heaters will be larger in diameter in order to make room for increased interior insulation. If space constraints are currently an issue in the place that your water heater is installed (such as a utility closet or modular home), a larger water heater may not fit in the existing location.
How can you benefit from a water heater replacement in your Grass Valley home?
- Reduce your heating bill. If you have a gas water heater that’s over 6 years old and has never been flushed, it will likely have a large buildup of sediment at the bottom of its tank. It’s like a blanket insulating the water from the burner. This dramatically reduces your water heater’s performance and efficiency because it forces your water heater’s flame to heat through the sediment (Blanket) in order to heat the water. A new water heater will reduce your water heating bills because it will operate much more efficiently than your older one.
- Avoid costly repairs. In most cases, the cost of repairing a water heater these days can be equivalent to 50% or more of the cost of installing a new unit. If that’s the case, your investment would be better spent on a new water heater replacement instead of paying to fix an older water heater that is likely to need more costly repairs in the future.
- Have a better-performing water heater. Are you running out of hot water when you need it most? If your water heater is old and/or improperly sized for your Grass Valley home, you’re likely not getting the performance that you would from a new water heater. A new properly sized water heater will provide your home with the right amount of hot water for you and your family even during those hours of peak demand. You might consider a new tank-less water heater, which will provide your Grass Valley home with an endless supply of hot water.
If you have any questions about replacing or up-grading your water heater, or if you’d like your plumbing, electrical, heating or air conditioning system serviced give ABT Plumbing, Electric, Heat & Air a call 530-272-9120.