DIY Diagnosing a Bad Thermostat

diagnosing faulty thermostatOn this week’s episode of You Got This!, we discuss how you can properly diagnose a faulty thermostat. While ABT does not recommend DIY repairs to your HVAC system, even your thermostat, you can diagnose your faulty thermostat before you need to call out a professional. It could be as simple as needing new batteries — it’s not always a catastrophe or complete system failure.

Some common issues with a faulty thermostat include:

It won’t turn on – if the thermostat doesn’t turn on check it by adding fresh batteries or verifying the electrical connection. If the display isn’t on then you can tell it needs batteries or electricity.

Nothing happens – when the thermostat does nothing after you have made some changes to the temperature or fan settings. If your HVAC system doesn’t turn on after you adjust the temperature or your display remains the same after changing, then you have an issue.

The HVAC system stays off – the thermostat wiring could have defects in it. Check the wiring to make sure it isn’t mixing up signals to the HVAC system.

HVAC system starts and stops often – if the calibration is off your temperature readings would be inaccurate. Check the calibration so your system stays consistent.

The HVAC system does not turn off – wiring issues or calibration issues can be responsible for miscommunication with the thermostat. This prevents the thermostat from tripping the HVAC system off when the desired temperature is met.

False temperature readings in the home – your thermostat might be reading the temperature and when you check the room temperature, it could be hotter or colder than the initial thermostat reading. This could contribute to higher energy bills.

Listen on KNCO Grass Valley, Fridays at 9am or online anytime to learn more about this topic, and many others.

Thanks to Heartland Inspections for this useful information. You can find the entire article on their website.

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