DIY Saving Energy Over the Summer

cut cooling costs this summerOne of the most common questions we get is how to cut back on energy bills during the months with high usage. Summer time our A/C units are running most of the time, if we’re fortunate enough to have them. So aside from unplugging the A/C unit, what are some things you can do to trim your energy bill over the summer? This week’s episode of You Got This! covers the topic.

Hot summer days can  be a disaster for your wallet. By far, the largest part of your energy bill comes from your home’s heating and cooling system. With your AC running 24/7 all summer long, you can expect some of your highest electric bills of the year to come between June and September.

Fortunately, you don’t have to boil in the summer heat just to save a few bucks. By following these simple summer energy-saving tips, you can keep the temperature, and your budget, well within the comfort zone. (read this article for several ways to reduce energy)

In addition to the usual suspects, make sure you change out that A/C unit’s air filter to reduce the load, and also do a check around the coil to make sure it’s not surrounded by pet hair and other blocks. Replace those light bulbs with LED to reduce cost and wear on the environment. And one of our favorite tips this week is not discussed on air, but make sure your home is properly insulated. Seal up any gaps or holes around windows and doors. Keep the cool air in, and the hot air out.

Listen to You Got This! every Friday at 9am on KNCO or listen online, anytime!

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