Getting Ready for Warmer Weather

We always recommend having your AC/Furnace inspected in the shoulder seasons, so your equipment can continue to run efficiently and safely. In addition to inspecting your A/C unit, there are many projects that’ll get you ready for the warmer weather that makes outdoor living more pleasurable.

Pressure wash your outdoor spaces: Pressure washing your deck, patio, and outdoor furniture can give your outdoor spaces a fresh, clean look for summer.

Repair or replace damaged screens: Check all your window and door screens for holes or tears, and repair or replace them as needed. This will keep bugs and pests out of your home while allowing fresh air in.

Install outdoor lighting: Add some extra lighting to your outdoor spaces to make them more inviting for summer evenings. This could be as simple as hanging string lights or installing solar-powered path lights.

Paint your front door: A fresh coat of paint on your front door can give your home a whole new look. Choose a bold, bright color that complements your home’s exterior.

Create a backyard oasis: Build a fire pit, create a seating area, or install a water feature to transform your backyard into a relaxing retreat for summer.

When it comes to planting in March, if you’re below 2,000 feet elevation, you can plant canterbury bells, pansies, primula, and geraniums without too much worry. If you want to cover the ground, rosemary and manzanita are good choices because they can handle drought and rosemary smells nice.

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