Choosing the Best StandBy Generator

standby generatorThe planned power outages are part of our summer now, and as we’ve previously discussed, being without power can be extremely stressful. But not everyone wants to or needs to invest in a full house standby generator. This week we cover the different kinds of standby generator options that are on the market.  Listen to this week’s episode of You Got This!

The most expensive option, that allows you to keep your house fully powered, is the full house generator.  This option clicks on within seconds of a power outage and while the upkeep and maintenance can be involved, the convenience is definitely there.  You can power your entire house, and not have to make decisions about which devices will get power during the outage.

A standby generator is an investment that pays for itself every time the power goes out while simultaneously increasing the resale value of your home. It also delivers the cleanest power possible for sensitive electronics found in today’s homes.

Portable generators are known for their combustion engine, which is specifically designed for producing and conducting temporary electrical power.

They’re either powered by gas and sometimes even diesel, and is going to be our generator of choice if you have a rather small off-grid cabin with hardly many electrical appliances to speak of.

They may not be able to produce power for many hours straight, but for the bare necessities like lighting, small freezers, and even the television, these generators are just perfect.

There are many options available to you. Find out what Andrew thinks are some good choices and things to consider when powering your home during an outage — You Got This!

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