Getting Rid of Odors

getting rid of stubborn odorsThis week we’re tackling the tricky topic of odor removal. Whether its second hand furniture or a home purchase, when you own something that belonged to someone else, you own their smells too. While it’s not common in most areas to have to deal with trapped cigarette smells, it does happen. In fact, it happened to Andrew this week.

While most of us think about fabrics absorbing odors, that’s not the only place odors linger. Andrew’s new-to-him dining room set had cigarette odor leeching through the paint. His solution? Encapsulate the odors with a strong primer, made just for such situations. These odor blocking primers can be used on walls, ceiling tiles, and even floors.

So the secret’s out…this week we talk about getting the stink out. Pet odors, urine in particular can be a real struggle, and we discuss that as well. Listen to You Got This! on KNCO at 9am or online anytime.

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