If you’ve ever listened to the show, you know that we’re big fans of upcycling, taking something old or that you already have, and transforming it into something new. This week we’re talking about taking every day pallets and using them to transform your backyard into an entertaining oasis. You can catch You Got This! every Friday at 9am on KNCO, or listen online anytime.
With the astronomical cost of lumber right now, it makes sense to use other sources or materials to create your backyard projects. Pallets offer the perfect base, because they can most often be used in their complete form, and undergo easy transformations. Basic tool kits should offer enough hardware to help you transform the every day to something spectacular.
This week our D-I-Y focused on coffee tables, benches, and even day beds, made from pallets and a handful of other easy to source materials that can turn your backyard into a great place for entertaining or relaxing. We’re including several links this week, to offer inspiration, but also the step-by-step process you can take, including supply list, to transform the simple pallet into something useful and cool looking, depending on your aesthetic.
Projects and material lists can be found here:
There’s no shortage of ways you can use simple pallets to update your yard. If you have any project ideas or have a topic you’d like us to cover, send us a message through our Facebook page and we’ll be sure to respond; for your D-I-Y dos and don’ts, listen to You Got This! every Friday at 9am on KNCO.