No More Loud and Obnoxious Roar
Perhaps the image you’re conjuring up is that old obnoxious generator at your Grandparents Lake Tahoe cabin. The good news is that emergency standby generators built today are a lot quieter than those loud dinosaurs of the past. Although it’s not like they run on stealth mode like a submarine patrolling enemy waters, the noise they do produce no longer presents serious problems like those old backup generators did and still do.
This is a rather important issue to consider, especially for anyone living in the peace and quiet of the Sierra Nevada. In the past this necessary emergency piece of equipment constantly roared a headache producing sound. Now, up to date manufacturing techniques have produced better muffling components and a sound deadening cabinet resulting in fewer sales of aspirin during those annoying power outages.

Call ABT for a free quote (530-272-9120) and find out just how quite a new Generac emergency standby generator is.