
Before you start your next do it yourself project listen to this. You got this is on the air you got this is hosted by ABT Plumbing, Electric, Heat and Air  owner Andrew Twidwell and Rosalie Brown with a helpful hand. Here are Andrew and Rosalie.

It’s Andrew Twidwell, owner of ABT plumbing electric heat and air. Once again with the show, You Got This.  It’s a show of DIY do’s and don’ts. And I’m zooming in here with Rosalie brown.  I’m sitting in my lovely office in Auburn. Actually, the conference room now because I’m changing. I’m trying not to have an office down here. And looking outside, and we’re recording this on Wednesday, and it’s kind of raining and kind of sunny. So hopefully there’s some rainbows out there. But it’s cold, winter is here. It’s kind of nice.

Huh? Well, we. So today is Wednesday. So Monday. I think we had a little bit of rain. I think it was overnight and then yesterday, downpour most of the day. And you know, the only way that I know what the weather’s like is taking the dog out, too. That’s how I get the pushback. Yeah, yeah, that’s how you know Pete sugar paws doesn’t want to get wet. So it’s always a challenging day when it’s raining. But speaking of dogs, you so if you jump off the mic or something crazy comes out of your mouth. I will know the listeners won’t know but you have brought your little mascot, your little grumpy dog with you to work today.

My little 14 year old terrier who’s can’t really see anymore can’t really hear anymore and kind of bounces off walls sometimes. But yeah, he’s here with me. And our other dog the mascot dog here. One of our our office people has been bringing her little to her little What does she have French Frenchie? He’s she’s been a fixture of our office for a long time. Well, she didn’t like so much that Chris can actually jump them. Just tackle them.

Last see you’ve had you’ve had quite a morning already. It’s been it’s

been a morning. Yeah, yeah. And we’ve gotten and I don’t live on top of Banner anymore. You don’t live went up a banner anymore. But yeah, there’s snow by Banner right now. Snow up on the mountain. So it’s this. It’s good winters winters here. And fire season’s over. Yay. It’s Wednesday in half. Yeah. Big chunks of the county don’t have power, of course, because you know, pg&e, right? Whatever.

Well, I mean, that’s a good reminder, on the, that’s a really good reminder to consider if you haven’t already, after all these winters in a row, and all these planned power outages, you know, again, it goes back to, if you’re gonna make a life for yourself in Nevada, and parts of Placer County, it’s not a bad idea to look at those generators, you know, because I can tell you personally, I was house sitting up there a few years ago, up on banner, and it was turned out to be like, insanely long power outage. And they had a whole house generator that made my life just completely bearable, completely different. It was night and day, night and day having that generator. And I didn’t have that anxiety

analyzer nice because they just switch they switch right on you have to do anything. You have to know what, where to plug it in what power what power or what switches to turn off and on and it just trying to get fuel and all that stuff. Yeah, that’s amazing.

And on that note, actually, one of the things that we the newsletter for abt, if you receive that is going out in a couple of days, we held back a little bit because of all the election mailers and things and we didn’t want to get stuck in there. So I

borrowed you guys with a bunch more paper, right.

But one of the topics that it kind of covers, in brief, because you know, those newsletters are just little snapshots of data that’s hopefully meant to be helpful. But one of the things that we kind of cover is and it was a list prepared by actually an organization called friends at Vayner mountain and trying to keep your community safer, right? For Fire and other things on bannered

definitely take a look at that group. It’s a great group I was when I lived up there I was I was on that list all the time because it great information.

Well, and this information that we actually shared a couple of years ago but talks a little bit about how to you know kind of store gasoline for the season and we’ve talked about that briefly. You know, it’s a time of year where, okay, the weather, the weather is here and it’s coming and is going to keep coming. You want to store your your gasoline things safely. Exactly. And also kind of some last minute things you might want to do to check out if you do have a generator to make sure that you’re ready because with power outages now. I mean, you’re in the season of power outages and it is a wet winter. That’s just

gonna be honest, Nevada County these days in the last few years. There’s no There’s no season any longer. That’s true. It’s all summer all winter because of the PPSSPP The

planning power. I think as plant safety I don’t I like plan.

Anyway, something horrible can’t remember that acronym. No. But anyway, yeah, you get you get a power outage every all year long. There’s no, no season like it used to be when we first moved up here, right?

Yeah, absolutely. So you know, just, if you have one, you know, to make sure you’ve got it maintained. And if you need, you know, someone to kind of come take a look at it or whatever. But that’s something that we’re able to kind of do correct. Step by checking the most part,

we’re not really dealing so much with Generac. So if you have a generic, there are some companies that are local companies that are authorized Generac. Dealers, and they they handle the Generac, we handle cooler. So just FYI, just a little cooler product,

just a little reminder. So there’s that little plug. And then the other thing I just wanted to mention that I know that we’re recording, it feels like it’s the end of November, because time is moving so quickly. But we’re recording like I’m so confused.

It’s just weird this time of year. So where things happening so fast,

right time speeds up. So we are actually recording the beginning ish of November. One of the things we’re gonna talk about today is kind of a reminder about what not to do to your disposal when you have all these people for the holidays. But also, just wanted to mention real quick before I forget that abt is participating in and it’s coming up in a few weeks participating in the downtown light parade in Auburn, right. And that’s on Saturday, December 3. That’s always a

fun event. Really fun. Rain. It’s really fun when it rains. It’s not so fun, but it hasn’t rained. It’s really fun. Sure. So we also did, we didn’t mentioned that we did the Nevada County Senior wood delivery firewood delivery this weekend, we had, I think we had about 10 of our guys out there three trucks and we were able to deliver six quarts of wood to our local community. People that need firewood and like guys volunteered, I was really just so proud of them. Like, I didn’t have to pay him or anything they just showed up. So it was great. Really, really, really, really proud of this guy’s

fantastic. And then the last kind of community event thing I wanted to mention today is if you’re not signing up for the 17th annual turkey trot, right, yeah, that happens, of course, every year on Thanksgiving, for the last 716 years. So this will be 17 here. Go ahead and get yourself involved in that. It’s a great, great community event, great fundraiser,

longtime supporters of Bretton, the Bretton family and the bread or the Bretton gotcha foundation for that. So

so if you, if you’re interested in finding out a little bit more or turning out for the turkey trot, then head over to Mike Bratton insurance, he’s got stuff on his website on his Facebook, and you can sign up register that kind of stuff. So we’re kind of excited me. So the cool thing about this time of year is that we do see a lot more kind of community stuff pop up. And so abt will be part of a few things. And it’s kind of reminds you what it’s the benefits of living in a small town, so to speak. And we’re in that season. Yeah,

yeah. Yeah. It’s fun times. But yeah, things are moving fast. Right? Oh, my gosh, hello. He was just the other day. And now we’re looking at Thanksgiving. And next thing, you know, it’s gonna be Christmas, and then New Year’s? Yeah.

I mean, I have a quick question. Because the way my family is structured, I’ve got a birthday this weekend, not not my own. And then I’ve got like, family coming in, in a few days after that to kind of celebrate connecting all that. And next thing, you know, it’s like, oh, and then it’s Thanksgiving. Oh, and then by then it’s like, you know, you’re late for Christmas. So I just feel like I’m about to drop into the weird time of year where everything is bizarre and magical, and scary and fast. And so we’re, yeah, we’re dropping into that time here. So buckle up, buckle up, kids.

It’s gonna be a rough ride. Alright, so let’s talk about 10 foods to avoid putting down your to garbage disposal this Thanksgiving. So we wanted to kind of point these things out, because it’s one of those things, we get calls for quite a bit, and doesn’t look like you know, we’re actually, I think we’re going to I don’t think I’ve got anybody that wants to work on Thanksgiving. And we kind of leave it up to our technicians if anybody wants to work, because, you know, if you got family in town, that gives you know, we’re a true believer in family first, and there’s a second so we probably won’t have anybody available on Thanksgiving. I know there are a couple of companies that do have people available. So if you do get yourself into a situation you can call somebody else. But we want to give you ways to avoid having a quality because that’s Nothing’s worse than trying to get trying to get a plumber on Thanksgiving is not easy. Anyway, then all of a sudden, if you’ve got a house full of people and your kitchen sink doesn’t work. And you’re still trying to prep for dinner or, or hopefully still trying to prep for dinner and not whatever, not having to go out for dinner,

because it’s very stressful. Very stressful.

Yeah, so these are some things to avoid. And this is, you know, this is true anytime but specifically during the holidays, because you’re gonna have so many people in the house and you’re gonna be putting strains on all the plumbing system just because the fact that you’re making this big meal if you’re hosting Thanksgiving this year, so one of the big things you don’t want to put down the drain any draining your house is grass, grass, grease, oils, or fats. So grease oils and fats, one of the things is Yeah, so, you know, I’ve seen people do this, you know, take the bacon fat and pour it right, the hot bacon fat port right down the drain, you got to remember that even though it’s liquid right, now it’s going to solidify. And what happens is as soon as it hits the cold of the pipe, it’s going to solidify in the walls, you can even pour hot water down there and get it to travel a little bit further, but eventually it’s going to cool off in your system and just solidify on the walls of the pipe. Now you got this nice sticky gooey mess that’s going to attract anything else that’s traveling through that pipe. So any other food particles or toilet paper anything else this is going to grab a hold of it. So by all means Never pour any grease, vegetable oils or any fats down your drain because you’re just asking for trouble and specifically during Thanksgiving

Can I can I can I kind of bring something up because I think that most of us that are over the age of let’s just say 30 We might remember our folks when they would be like my dad used to make bacon a lot. And my dad was my dad was actually the chef on the house. So my dad was always in the kitchen. And so I remember having that like container of the grease and it was disgusting to me but honestly like I think most of us remember our parents or grandparents or somebody in our lives had that little gross jar of grease tucked away and that was because they would take my dad would take the bacon drippings or whatever and put it on there and I just thought it was disgusting but even back then my dad knew this is not going down

the drain Yeah, yeah. Yeah, have the jar handy and if you do use a jar make sure it’s Pyrex is regular jars sometimes will crack Turkey bones you know don’t put bones down the drain I know people there you know sharpens the blades when there’s no blades to sharpen down there it’s literally just these chunks of metal that have no sharp edges to them.

That’s something that I kind of like honestly Andrew if you could like shout that from the rooftops like and repeat that I never get tired of telling people I know that you think that your disposal has blades it does not have blades and even Andrew and like looking at like good sources for you know to bring a list to you or whatever. Every place I looked professional plumbing company said blades, blades, blades blades. And I was like it’s not blade stops I

mean blades. They are calm blades because they polarize. But it’s not what shuffle. But people think things up right? It’s literally like these two pieces of metal that are bent into a channel and have squared edges on them. And they don’t You don’t sharpen them. It’s just it literally polarizes the food as a good as it spins around on this tabletop. And then it goes through the little slots in the side. So that’s what drains the thing. So yeah, you don’t put bones down. And also you just I can’t tell how many times I’ve unjam bones from disposers it will jam your disposer it’s they’re heavy enough they’re hard enough that if it gets stuck between the wall disposer and just right with the blades, if you will, it’ll jam it up. So yeah, don’t put don’t put that any kind of starches, you know, natural expanding. Don’t put them in the water. So again, because it’s going to clog the pipes. So you know passes are our rice, mashed potato, rice, any of those sort of things we’re going to, you know, they seem like they’ll just float right through but they can congeal and clogged together. They get paid and then clogged drain. So yeah, that’s what if you have a compost put in the compost if you don’t just put in the garbage, skins, peels or rinds. So again, how we were talking about how these things work. It’s literally like if you can envision a coffee can with these little quarter at slits all the way around the perimeter of it. That’s what the drain is and they’re about an inch and a half to two inches tall by about a quarter inch wide. And they’re spaced around it and then the disposer spins around these little blades and pushes the stuff to towards these holes. So if they can fit its way through that hole without being pulverized it will so any kind of skins peels and kind of long thing potato peels, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cleared potato peels out of the P trap because people put the potato peels and they don’t get chopped up. Others work their way through, they will kind of worm their way through that little slit in the coffee can if you will, for lack of a better kind of visual fibers, vegetables, the same sort of thing. So you know salaries, any kind of stringy things. What are some other ones here, pumpkin, celery, artichokes, asparagus, chard, rhubarb onionskin, corn husk, kale, and or lettuce. All of these things should just be put in your compost heap, because they will. Again, this thing spins around and polarizes and cut some of the some of the food up. But if it can pass through there and get through the little slit, they’ll make it into the P trap and get stuck in the P trap. And the P trap again is that little U shaped thing at the bottom of the drain that keeps water in there. And the water makes sure that you don’t get a sewer gases in the house. That’s why that’s there. That’s in shells, that the shells specific specifically will jam your disposer any kind of hard material can Jamba disposer. And if you’ve got like a little half horsepower badge, or five or or heaven forbid, like a waist king or something like that, those things jam up all the time with stuff like that. So there’s no, I’m gonna get off my arm and get back on my soapbox. Just don’t throw anything down to this Bowser, it’s not a disposal, it is literally just for cleaning your sink, and a little bit of stuff that’s on the top of your plate. Pits and seeds again, you know, we get into the situation where anything that’s kind of hard has the potential for clogging to dispose or so you might think of pits and seeds much the same way as you think of shells when it comes to to dispose, or the small ones like pumpkin seeds are hard to wash away and contribute to clogs. Meanwhile, the big ones, like peach pits can thoroughly destroy your impeller blades. So they weren’t necessarily destroyed because they’re pieces of metal. And they’re pretty thick, but they will jam it up. So you got to you know, and we’ve talked about unshackling, the disposer. And we’ll Well, that’s the second limit about that I got a little time. So how do you unjam a disposer without having to call a plumber. There’s two easy ways to doing it. One of the easiest things is there. With all most all disposers if they’re made by manufacturer call InSinkErator ISP have a little when they’re like the major player of all disposers. In our market United States, they have a little allen key on the bottom, which is in the center of the bottom of the disposer dead center. And a camera, I think it’s like a quarter inch allen if I remember correctly, and you just have this little allen key that’s floating around your bottom your sink, that’s what that’s for it’s you put the Allen key in there, rotate it back and forth a couple times unjam whatever’s in there, take flashlight, find what’s in there, pull it out with some needlenose pliers, and you’re good to go. The other way to Jamba disposer, which is a little more difficult, you can use a broom handle or a plunger handle, put it into the into the basket of disposer and rotate it and turn it that was a little harder because I’ve personally tried that just to see what it was like and I finished to pull the whole dream assembly apart underneath the sink. So you can get a lot of leverage with it with a broom. Right? So you don’t necessarily want to do that. Sorry. Chuck just went by Sir. Have you heard that? So that’s how you can unjam the disposer. If you do if you are hopefully not you, but maybe one of your significant family members didn’t realize they were putting pits or something down that train. And it was bad.

I think that’s why I think that these kind of warnings come out during holidays, because I think most of us would not do that in our own house. But I genuinely feel like there is a generation out there that’s slightly older than ours, that, you know, things were built to last and there’s kind of like attitudes. So when those people are helping you with the dishes or helping you with cooking. A lot of times you’ll see stuff when you go Wait, what are you doing? And it’s already been done

parenting yet the kids never never destroyed you. No problem.

Yeah, well, I mean, yeah, I do love my whiskey. But ya know, I mean, I do think like, we’re kind of preaching to the choir, on one hand, but at the same time, you know, if you are at other people’s homes or they’re in your home, you can’t control what they do. And there isn’t belief honestly, like, I had one of these in the 50s and there was no problem with that. I’m like, Dad, literally, I remember as a small child you being like screaming and cussing and throwing things at the disposal. I remember you being under the sink. Do you forget that? So it’s like, my memory is a little bit different. But so I think it feels like a PSA at this point that most people should know but you know what maybe the PSA is this be aware of who is with you on your holiday because you probably most people are that are you know of a certain age are not going to be doing these things. But I do think like the pasta so nice people don’t remember that or like the the rice that the starches I do think that’s the thing people forget. So it this is when we resurrect this information is because

to be honest, I remember in my early 20s I was like I was probably like 21 or 19 or 20. Might we always went to my aunt’s house and uncle’s house in Reno was a big, big to do. And the disposer went out on Thanksgiving, and I put in a new disclosure for them. Because they destroyed it. Yeah.

I mean, that happens. That is one way to make points with the family. That is one way to do. It definitely helped. Yeah, right. The captain in the well, it kept you in the wind. That was smart. That was good job. Good job.

Okay, a couple other things, we got time for a couple other things. So eggshells, pretty much everything we just said about, Oh, we didn’t talk about coffee grounds. coffee grounds, right. This is one thing. I’ve had this conversation with people like well, they just put their coffee and down or our sink. You would think that coffee grounds are so small, it would be easy for your garbage suppose to handle them, right? Except the coffee grounds when combined with water create a sludge that can form a serious obstacle. To visualize this, think about what you see it take the filter out of your coffee pot. Then Picture those watered down grounds stuffing your drain lines. Again, coffee grounds should always go into the garbage or compost. coffee grounds. I’ve heard people say I just put them in the in the sink. Don’t do it. Because again, it’s like starches and things they just solidify down the drain and will clog your drain. And plus it makes really good compost it that’s

I use it too. Yeah, yeah, I use it actually, too. I add it to soil. And I’ve actually seen it, you know, you can research it and figure out what it does to the composition of your soil. But it can be very good for certain soils. So yeah,

if you’ve got a septic tank, you want to kind of keep this stuff out of there anyway, because you want to tax your septic tank more. With more organics eggshells, pretty much everything we just said about coffee grounds also applied eggshells that you would think it would just eggshells would just go down. But they can also I mean, it’s what’s an eggshell? Eggshell is calcium. What’s rock calcium, it’s literally a rock. So you can put it down there. And it’s like seashells, it’s just going to sink to the bottom and clog up your drain can clog up in any low spot. So don’t don’t do that. Other large food items here at the bottom of the line when it comes to your garbage disposal, it’s not a second garbage garbage may be in the devices name. But in truth to this Bosal should really only be used to dispose of light food and waste to avoid frustrating clogs this holiday season. And to keep your equipment functioning at its peak efficiency, as long as possible. follow our advice above and remember to give you dispose or break this Thanksgiving. So again, you know they’ve pointed it out. And like we pointed out a bunch of times on this show. Cars disposal is not a waste disposal unit. It’s literally just to take care of the little bit of debris that’s left in your sink. So you don’t have to scoop it out of the basket strainer like you do when you don’t have it. That’s all it is. So with that note, have a great Thanksgiving. We’ll we’ll be talking to you guys again before then. But keep these things in mind. And you may want to write this stuff down and maybe plaster it in your sake just to let your your family know don’t be putting these things down. Because we don’t have to. We don’t have to call anybody for the holidays. Because I can guarantee you no one’s coming up to your house on Thanksgiving for the same price that they would the day before. It’s good. You’re going to be paying a premium for that because you’re pulling people away from their families, right. And we probably won’t even be open unless I can talk unless I’ve got somebody that doesn’t have family coming in. They want to make a little extra money and work during the holidays. But other than that, yeah, yeah, on that phone number to reach us at is 53023090925302309092. You can find us on the web at easiest And find us like our Facebook page where we share all this stuff and a lot of other fun things and we’ll catch you guys next week. Thanks for listening.

Bye. Thanks, Andrew. Thanks, Rosalie. Now let’s get that project started. You got this. We’ll be back next Friday morning at nine o’clock on Cancio Newstalk 830

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