Tips and Tricks for Clearing the Drain

grass valley plumber ABTThe porcelain throne, the theme of this week. Andrew and Rosalie answer important questions involving the toilet, like why it keeps running and if chemical drain cleaners are safe to use.

We’ve all had the experience of flushing a toilet and noticing that it won’t stop running after the flush cycle. According to Andrew, this is likely because the flapper needs to be replaced. He recommends removing the flapper and replacing it with another one. He instructs that you should take the flapper with you to the hardware store to know just which one you’ll need. Some other reasons the toilet will continue to run are because the float height needs to be lowered, or the refill tube has to be shortened.

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Now, should we use chemical drain cleaners from the store to clear our drains? When Rosalie poses this question, Andrew advises against it. Chemical drain cleaners can be abrasive to the pipes, and will kill off the good bacteria in the septic tank. Natural drain cleaners, or using baking soda and vinegar, is recommended for clearing basic clogs and slow drains.

And that’s where we’re wrapping up! If you want to find out more about plumbing issues, make sure to come back next week, and remember: You Got This!

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