Electrical Panel Issues

Electrical panels: every house and living space has them. But how do you know that it’s still safe, and won’t cause a fire hazard? Luckily, Rosalie and Andrew cover what red flags indicate the panel isn’t safe, and what brand of electrical panels were recalled.

grass valley electrician ABT electrical panel

Andrew says that in an older house, the electrical panel will need to be checked more frequently, usually every five years. And in some cases, every year. When you check your electrical panel, here’s what you should watch out for: different size circuit breakers; rust on the panel box; a loose panel box; popping/crackling sounds; and insect/pest damage around the box. If you notice these on your panel, it’s best to call an electrician.

Listen to this week’s episode of You Got This! here – > https://easyasabt.com/show/February-12-2021.mp3

If you find your electrical panel has the brand name “Zinsco” on it, it would be best to replace the panel. These panels, popular in the 70’s, suffer from design issues, and will create electric shocks and even fire hazards. Some houses may still use these panels, but Andrew recommends getting it replaced so as not to start a fire. Zinsco was a manufacturer of electrical distribution panels and circuit breakers, founded by Emile Martin Zinsmeyer and his son Martin Emile Zinsmeyer in the early 1930s.

And that’s where we’re wrapping it up! To catch more electrical information like this, come back next week, and remember: You Got This!

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