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Backyard Chicken Coop

grass valley plumber diy chicken coop Do you want chickens of your own? If the answer to that question is yes, then you’re gonna need a coop for them. Don’t be alarmed, because Rosalie and Andrew are going to teach you how to make your own chicken coop while keeping the project easy on your bank account!

The materials you’ll need are pallets, scrap wood, hinges, a door latch, chicken wire, and materials for the roof. You won’t need very many tools either, just a drill, screws, a hand saw, a level, and a tape measure.

Listen to this week’s episode of You Got This!

Once you’ve gathered your materials and decided how large the coop is going to be, start screwing the pallets into place, using them as walls. When you have the walls built up, use whatever materials you gathered for the roof (i.e. extra pallets and a tarp, sheet metal, etc.) and secure the roof onto the coop. Then to work on the door; using the scrap wood, screw a piece of wood on top of the wooden perimeter of the coop and screw another piece of wood just under the roof so it connects to the walls. Add two more pieces of wood vertically, connected to the board at the top and bottom. Attach the hinges to one board, one near the top and one near the bottom, and use any extra wood or pallets to attach them to the hinges as well as add on a door latch. Use the chicken wire in the gaps on either side of the door.

Now that the outside is completed, get to work on creating the nesting boxes and roosts, as well as a secondary door for the chickens. You can use milk crates or buy nesting boxes if you don’t feel like making them and screw them to the walls. Use additional scrap wood to make the roosts on the other side of the coop. Use the hand saw to create another opening in the coop so the chickens can come and go as they please. If needed, you can use more wood, hinges, and another door latch to create another door here to keep the chickens safe. Finally, add a floor into the coop, using mulch, rive rock, or any other material of your choosing.

And there you have your very own chicken coop! For more DIY projects like this one, come back next week, and remember: You Got This!